

Posts by Soraya Simi
Year of the Mountain

Hours melted as I surfed with two of my heroes and a boy who didn’t understand the difference between the words, “today”, “tomorrow”, and “yesterday”.

On our last night together, before I flew overseas, I held him close, kissed his little nose, and taught him the meaning of the word “bittersweet”. 

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Soraya SimiComment
The Long Way Home - Published in Outside Magazine

Day 12. Halfway into an eight-hour trek on Highway 6 from Salt Lake City to Mammoth Lakes, California—my last stop on a solo road trip across the West before finally settling down in Santa Barbara with the first lease I’ve signed in three years. I promise myself that this is the last time I will ever drive through Nevada alone.

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Harmonica Man: Part I & II

Hot air blows from his mouth down the metallic reed and music comes out the other end. He’s sitting on a wooden bench next to his friend who plucks guitar strings. A group of us surround a fire.

I’m on the other side, bundled up in an old Mexican blanket I found in the trunk of my car, half my ass falling through the dilapidated rubber strips of a stolen lounge pool chair.

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Soraya SimiComment
Islas Todos Santos: A Sacred Place

Vicente’s F-150 flies over the busted cobblestone streets of northern Baja and lands with a thud.

He accelerates again, navigating every crack and crevice with expert maneuverability and utter nonchalance, like it was any old day, any regular outing to his local break. But it’s not. It’s 4am, pitch black, and eerily empty. We’re headed to the marina before dawn. The harbor master deemed the building swell too dangerous for smaller vessels, but Vicente knows a guy who knows a guy who’s willing to sneak us out early for a couple thousand pesos, as long as we pay upfront— cash only— say nothing to no one, and don’t bitch if he drops a line along the way.

Like most of my experiences in Mexico, the risk to reward ratio is pretty skewed.

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Soraya Simi Comment
November Summer

It’s late November but you wouldn’t know it by the way the hot sun shines on the swarms of people descending the cliffs of Praia do Norte. Despite an unrealistically strict confinement, nothing seems to draw out the rule breakers like a little sunshine and picture-perfect waves barreling through a 12th century fishing village.

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